StreamAllThis Watch Stream Snowpiercer
- Jean-Marc Rochette, Bong Joon Ho
- 126minutes
- release Date: 2013
- Directed by: Bong Joon Ho
- synopsis: Set in 2031, the entire world is frozen except for those aboard the Snowpiercer. For seventeen years, the world's survivors are on a train hurtling around the globe creating their own economy and class system. Led by Curtis (Chris Evans), a group of lower-class citizens living in squalor at the back of the train are determined to get to the front of the train and spread the wealth around. Each section of the train holds new surprises for the group who have to battle their way through. A revolution is underway
One of the greatest movies ever.
Snowpiercer - Le.
Looks like I recorded on my damn iPhone 6 and edited on iMovie.
7:00 couldnt they just move to the in between zone between those two extreme climates. This is what happened when steve rogers messed up the timeline and he had to fight the ancient one in the train. John Hurt- he was in Doctor Who. Is it me or did anyone catch the clever play on words for Wilford's name so as to decipher the character's symbolic importance? Its an obvious allusion to Henry Ford. 1.) Like Ford, Wilford was a maverick capitalist industrialist who bucked popular opinion with very ambitious social engineering projects. Ford built Fordlandia, a now abandoned industrial town in Brazil while Wilford designed the very social hierarchy on the Rattling Ark. 2.) Like Henry Ford, Wilford innovated a form of mass production designed to harmonize an unstable and volatile social system. In Ford's case he perfected Fordist techniques of production and consumption designed to create a harmony within American capitalism between labor and capital while in Wilford's case he perfected a system of social control which allowed for the continued operation of Great Engine. 3.) In both cases you see the logic of the assembly line - where each worker does one task over and over and over again - which Henry Ford popularized. In Ford's case it was an automobile plant, in Wilford's case it was with the manual replacement of the Great Engine gear.
Snowpiercer le transperceneige film complet francais. Ok this got me convinced to watch the movie. Lol No Captain America, we got Commander Smiley, major improvement :D. Anyone know what happened to the bald booked egg guy.
Snowpiercer le transperceneige telecharger
This is creative. So in essence their running a train on the one percent, correct. I'd watch it if Daveed Diggs breaks into a full-on rap battle Hamilton style. Snowpiercer was very enjoyable and I hope some day there will be more movies like this. This movie was sooooo incredible It is definately a master piece. Did i just see a guy with wings near the ending. Thank you, and YES! I don't mean to be eccentric, but with how many people are so quick to hypnotically blame capitalism for the ills of the modern world, it's nice to see someone put some thought into the topic and cut through the BS. Glad to join the conversation! I definitely agree that the train system is far more an analogy for totalitarianism, or fascism (which is fake capitalism) than it is capitalism. The use of force is an essential part of the question, and something that most people miss: and the only people in the movie using offensive force is the leader. Ironically, that sort of force is illegal in a *truly* capitalist system, while being not only legal, but encouraged in centrally planned systems (i.e. any statism government. socialism, communism, fascism, interventionism, and all of the like. So I think unfortunately, the society on the train does bear an eerie resemblance to that of the modern day, but not because of freedom. the issue can really only be attributed the lack of freedom, i.e. central planning, and abuse of force. I love talking/thinking about topics like this, so if anyone else is interested, please do respond/contact me. but please keep it civil and fun, I'm only interested in learning and helping people, not getting shouted at through a computer. For more info, if you're interested, Here's a great book on the topic. And for more info on Fascism, why America isn't as free as it used to be, and why fascism is to blame, check out this book (written during WW2, by an investigative journalist, who essentially predicted the political future of the country. I haven't finished it yet, but I still wholeheartedly recommend it. Very well written, lots of interesting ideas packed in it. When Curtis opens the hatch in the food processing machine, I actually think that CGI is poorly done because they replaced what was originally there, in post-production. In the story where this is based from the train is much bigger (1000+ cars) and there's a reason why both food and water plants are between the two population groups. They literally drank and ate shit from the upper class, and I think that made it on to the movie. It explains why they always mention it just by shit even after knowing it was processed bugs, and why he looks so disgusted. He ate babies, I'm assuming that eating a few crickets isn't all that bad, since it's actual food in some parts of the world. Everything else in the movie, CGI wise, is amazingly good looking, except for those bugs. I think it was a poor post-production fix because they thought implying they literally ate shit was a bit too much for their audience.
CHICKEEEEEN CHICKEEEEEN. Trying hard to be spit on your grave 😂😂. Hello, I am a very passionate follower of your videos for almost a year now. I actually watched this movie so I can see your video analysis for it. You used the Egyptian revolution as an example to illustrate a point and while it is heartbreaking for me, it is yet, very true. I salute you for your knowledge and I wish you the best. Your number 1 fan from Egypt. I dot not fully agree with your interpretation about the polar bear, but all your take on the value a freedom is really interresting, you gave me a new look over the movie thanks a lot for this video.
The movie is not underrated its not understood lol most “underrated” movies are to complex for the average American to understand lol. That really helped me understand the movie. Thankyou.
Snowpiercer le transperceneige distribution
This is the most useless movie I've seen in years. I've seen photographs with better character development (not to say there's any here) background story and purpose. You don't get to know anyone in this movie. No what they do, why or where, nothing. Just as we start to get a glimpse into the fears of the main killer, he's killed off. There are no explanations to anything. Totally pointless. Don't waste your time.
All that detail and symbolism, and they couldn't be bothered to show even one car that contained a living space - with the exception of the rear. They painstakingly showed the bloody march forward through every production, even a school, but where do they all sleep, for instance.
I love this movie.
I wish I knew this was a real movie when it was released, it looked like Hollywood BS so I missed it. Briliant. Brilliant. Finally. This movie is a social masterpiece. It reflects everything going wrong in our society with a train metaphor. Loved it. I honestly think this is one of the best films i've ever watched. Was I the only one who thought at the end: they have to make babies together when he's older. I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE RIGHT. Snowpiercer le transperceneige zone telechargement. This sounds sounds like Dexter manning. Snowpiercer le transperceneige streaming. The movie was pure methaphoric. I love it... Out of all the videos i watch of people analysing film this channel probably has the best production. really great quality. The Korean film Snowpiercer was a highly condensed version of the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige later know as The Escape. If you think, that just because you saw Snowpiercer that you know everything that is going to happen, you are wrong.